Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Damn Dog

To sleep... Perchance to dream. Unless the neighbor dog continuously barks.

Bleary-eyed, I checked the clock this morning and it read 0515 - long before the alarm is set to sound off. I lay there, hoping the dog would stop... but no such luck. I swung my legs out from under the covers and slowly shuffled to the bedroom window. I opened it a bit further and shouted out to the dog to shut up. It paid me no mind and continued warning the neighborhood... but about what?

The cool air brought me to my senses and my eyes began to scan the yard. There, in the growing twilight, a female moose was helping itself to the bounty at the edge of our grass. This moose was both unimpressed and unfazed by the dog's protests and ambled along at its slow pace, stopping from time to time to reach up and grab new growth. It must have been a little dreamy eyed too, because it tripped on a rock in the yard - a visual first for me. Without a hint of embarrasement, it continued on.

I encouraged this massive beast to go and trample the fucking dog. I wouldn't say I pleaded, but the dog was driving me nuts and my encouragement grew. It would have been so easy for the moose. With maybe two quick strides it could have covered the ground from where it ate to the hound and put it and the rest of us out of our misery.

Instead, it made a line for my neighbor's property and slowly (VERY slowly) disappeared across those imaginary lines.

On the one hand, I appreciate the wake-up call because it gave me the chance to see this moose. On the other hand, I don't appreciate my neighbor's complete lack of attention to their dog going ape-shit. Hey world - if your dog is outside and it barks for more than a minute or two straight, do me a favor - go attend to the animal.

It did finally calm down and stop barking, however, and I did find my way back to bed. And I did fall back asleep...

... until 0620.

Damn that dog.

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