Thursday, May 1, 2008

Song with no music

Just wrote this song. Now I need music to go with...

I want to quit
for the first and last time in my life
I want to quit
living vicariously through others
I want to feel
sand beneath my feet
as a free man
tied to nothing
but out to find the world

I want to move
a pen with clarity of thought
I want to sleep
deep and long
I want to run
with no watch
and no meetings
tied to nothing
but out to win the world

Roll over and wake me up
I'm ready to open my eyes now
Can't you hear me
screaming in the dark?

She stares
at a screen and waits
She hopes
for approval and a smile
But they're both
walking in circles
floating down rivers
without maps
and without paddles

Roll over and wake me up
for this dream needs to end
I've got to open my eyes
and make a new beginning

They're sitting on the curb
locked outside their car
pelted by the rain
holding keys in numb hands

Roll over and wake up
I want to walk together
Out into the eye of the storm
And never leave

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