Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama disappoints

Just learned this evening of Obama's choice for VP will be Biden from Delaware. I don't know much about Biden... I know he's kicked it around the Senate for a while, that he's a lot older than me (and Obama), that he's from this tiny state out East (and North), that he likes Amtrak, and is an Irish Catholic. He's probably a nice guy, tries to make things happen across party lines, and works hard for the American people. So why am I so pissed at the Democrats and disappointed with Obama?

Because it feels like the same old thing, different day. 

Seems to me the Democrats had a real opportunity to be daring, creative, exciting and progressive - Biden represents none of those things. I wanted to see the kind of change that I thought Obama was talking about. I wanted to see someone that would drop mouths and shake up Washington. I wanted to be inspired. 

This feels like milk-toast tastes. 

Remember in '87 when Biden's candidacy had been overwhelmed by "the exaggerated shadow" of his mistakes, leading to his dropping out of the race for the presidential nomination? Or remember just last year him having to try and explain his "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." remark? I can only imagine that his name on the ticket is going to hurt Obama, not help.

Case in point: Obama just lost my vote.


CT said...

Hey Evan...CT here. drinking coffee at the local Sitka slurp joint and laughing over the Palin choice. She will look great on the cover of People Mag! Where this story belongs. Great move McCain. He likely will (statistically) croak in office (if elected) and Palin will be running the country. ah...I liked Wasilla, but if this is her political experience, the thought of her sitting in the oval office is really scary. When she was in Naknek a couple of years ago right after the election to governor, she spoke at DOlly's hall and about every 3 minutes included "the Lord", "Jesus" or "God" in her comments. The woman has no line between church and state and we do not need another evangelizing Christian anywhere near the White House.
Seriously tho, who else can you vote for? Biden might not be a perfect choice but Obama must beat McCain/Palin or we are screwed irrevocably, I fear. Yes, Biden is old school, but the guy does have a decent C.V. and he is a better choice than the other guys. Obama can make the change happen, so don't give up.

Yer Pal


Julie Collins said...

Geez Evan, can't you put something new up? This is your newest blog and it's SIX MONTHS OLD!