Friday, December 14, 2007

Inspiration by Twitter

If you're not familiar with Twitter yet, perhaps you should pause for a moment to check out that Website ( Please believe me when I tell you that it's more than a couple of morons texting back and forth about taking a dump. Twitter is a place designed to give you a small forum to share with the world what you're up to or what you're thinking, and you are given 140 characters with which to do so. You can write about the person sitting next to you on the bus, about the latté you're enjoying, or about the lover you just left. You can rail against the system, whine about how boring your life has become or celebrate success. The possibilities are endless and completely up to you. After your entry is complete, a click of the button and your words are out there like graffiti on a subway wall.

But who cares, right? Well, apparently, scores of people around the globe. A check of the Public Timeline will show you all of the current entries streaming in endlessly from all corners of the world. If you are the kind of person that likes to watch people in airports, then this would likely be for you. Since joining recently (free, by the way), I've been fascinated by the many people I have found there. People I've never met like communicatrix (, billbranden, and PamelaTroeppl (, just to name a few. Of course, there are dozens (indeed, thousands) more out there filling the wires with their thoughts and words and I have been entertained by them as well. Not all the entries are spectacular and many aren't even in English, but I've found plenty to keep me coming back again and again.

But the thing I really love about the legions devoted to Twitter is that they have given me the motivation to write. We all have something interesting to say (don't we?), even if it is only 140 characters in length. And I figure if I can fill 140 characters, perhaps I can also fill 500, 1000 or even 100000. Twitter, for me, has been a place to start. It has given me a voice and an opportunity to be heard, which I find pretty cool. 

And so far, a few people have been listening... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rock on, Frogman! So true! So true! There's just nothing like 140 words or fewer to keep me going throughout the day! I've found the more my Twitter consumption goes up, the more my Starbucks consumption goes down!

Oh, and don't take this the wrong way, but Iiiii'mmmmm follllloooooowing yoooooooouuuuuu.