Friday, December 14, 2007

Top 10 Sign You Twitter Too Much

I created this Top 10 List some time ago on Twitter and thought that I'd share it here again in my blog. I've been watching late night reruns (due to the strike) and felt that some new, fresh material was in order. If you don't know Twitter, this may not make much sense - check it out at - maybe THEN you'll understand...

#10 - Laptop gets damp and stepped on by Senator in next stall while updating at the Minneapolis airport.
# 9 - All your conversations are equal to or less than 140 words.
# 8 - Definite and indefinite articles have become a luxury
# 7 - You ask your lover to hold still so that you can report how close to climaxing you are
# 6 - You find other people's personal hygiene fascinating
# 5 - Your cell bill exceeds the GDP of Moldova
# 4 - Being followed is something you look forward to
# 3 - Your 5 year old has had to learn how to cook Top Ramen for himself since you're just too damned busy
# 2 - Preparation H has decided to sponsor you
And the # 1 way you know that you Twitter too damned much:
You don't think saying 'Twitter' makes you sound like a goober

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